客户评价 Testimonial

成功案例 Success Stories


We have a lot of stories to tell you



我曾申请萨省旧政移民,于2016年被拒。有幸于2017年找到了安可移民,重新开始了移民之路。在Suzie耐心细致的指导下,成功办理了新政工签,于2019年2月登陆MosseJaw,随后Suzie和她的团队对我全家给予了一系列的指导帮助,使我顺利创建生意,并于2020年5月21日拿到省提名。安可移民是值得信赖的,正如她的名字——安全可靠。 I once applied for the Saskatchewan entrepreneur immigration and was rejected in 2016. Fortunately, I found Anchor immigration in...
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Mr.G 高先生

I once applied for the Saskatchewan entrepreneur immigration and was rejected in 2016. Fortunately, I found Anchor immigration in 2017 and restarted the path of immigration.
Under the patient and meticulous guidance of Suzie, my work permit was approved and I landed in Moose Jaw in February 2019.
Afterwards, Suzie and his team gave my family a series of guidance and help, which enabled me to successfully establish a business and received the provincial nomination on May 21, 2020.
Anchor Immigration is trustworthy, just like her name, safe and reliable!

Mr.G 高先生

安可移民公司是我在办理移民多年,经历多个移民公司后,最推荐的移民公司。原因有三:其一,也是最重要的一点,安可从来不教客户去欺骗移民局,因为任何一个谎言最后可能都是搬起石头砸自己的脚。这点是我认为移民公司最重要的一点。其二,Suzie及全体工作人员非常专业,这是成功移民路的保障。其三,Suzie及全体工作人员非常认真敬业,这点非常值得尊敬!!强烈推荐!! Anchor Immigration is the most recommended immigration company after I have begun my plan to immigrate to Canada for many...
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Ms.Wang 王女士


Anchor Immigration is the most recommended immigration company after I have begun my plan to immigrate to Canada for many years and has been helped by many immigration companies. There are three reasons:
First and foremost, Anchor never teaches clients to deceive the Immigration Bureau, because any lie may end up shooting itself. This is the most important in my opinion .
Second, Suzie and all the staff are very professional, which is the guarantee of a successful immigration road.
Third, Suzie and all the staff are very conscientious and dedicated, which is very respectable and highly recommended.

Ms.Wang 王女士

初遇安可移民也是经由朋友的极力推荐,在各类不同的申请服务中他们都提供了最直接有效的专业意见,并且收费合理,跟踪及时,让我在预计的时间里拿到了身份(枫叶卡)。衷心感谢安可移民的专业资质团队,特别是Suzie的专业服务。祝安可移民越办越好。 Anchor International was recommended to me by my friends. Among the various local companies who provide immigration services, Anchor provides the most direct, effective, and profess...
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Anchor International was recommended to me by my friends. Among the various local companies who provide immigration services, Anchor provides the most direct, effective, and professional advices. The fees are reasonable, and the tracking is timely. With their help, I got my Canadian identity within the expected time (Permanent Resident Card). Anchor’s professional team, especially Suzie, is appreciated so much!. I wish Anchor International could be better and better!


In 2018, my student visa expired and I did not have an idea how I was going to apply for a post-graduate work permit that I graduated for. Anchor International handled my paper work with impressive professionalism until I got my work permit. Having seen the good work that they had done, I asked them...
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Pastor Munye 先生

In 2018, my student visa expired and I did not have an idea how I was going to apply for a post-graduate work permit that I graduated for. Anchor International handled my paper work with impressive professionalism until I got my work permit. Having seen the good work that they had done, I asked them to manage my Permanent Residency Application, and again, they did not disappoint me. I thank them and am pleased to recommend them.
2018 年,我的学生签证到期了,我不知道如何申请我毕业的研究生毕业后工签。 安可移民公司以令人印象深刻的专业精神处理我的文书工作,让我顺利拿到毕业后工签。 看到他们所做的出色工作后,我委托他们办理我的永久居留申请,他们再次没有让我失望。 我感谢他们并很高兴推荐他们!

Pastor Munye 先生

I am happy with the service and deal i got from Suzie and her team. I wanted a permanent residence card to get all the benefits. Speaking with Suzie helped me to find out the best way to apply. During the process, my application was slow at the beginning. Her team replied to emails faster than I tho...
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Mr. Liu 刘先生

I am happy with the service and deal i got from Suzie and her team. I wanted a permanent residence card to get all the benefits. Speaking with Suzie helped me to find out the best way to apply. During the process, my application was slow at the beginning. Her team replied to emails faster than I thought, which calmed me down. Moreover, they informed me of all the updates the first time. Therefore, everything was going easy, since the file number had been received. It took approximately one month from the date I got the file number to the approval letter. Thank you so much. I great appreciate all the assistance with my application.


Mr. Liu 刘先生

移民对每个亲历者和家庭都是一个重要的决定,整个移民过程,要面对并解决各种未知的问题,有专业的顾问团队的指导和帮助,对移民能否成功起着至关重要的作用。 在我开始办理移民时,通过朋友引荐认识了Suzie, 在几次沟通中,她总是热情的接待,专业的答复和结合我的情况,提出合理建议,我决定选择Suzie做我的移民顾问。在整个移民过程中,在每个环节和节点,Suzie和她的团队都对我事前提醒,指导我准备材料。帮我汇总、整理、检查并上传要求的文件,多次代表我向省、联邦移民局去信询问情况和催办进度。在我经营生意期间,Suzie多次来我的旅店或者电话联系,提醒我在经营好生意的同时,在移民方面要注意的细节,指导我在...
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Mr. Liu 刘先生

在我开始办理移民时,通过朋友引荐认识了Suzie, 在几次沟通中,她总是热情的接待,专业的答复和结合我的情况,提出合理建议,我决定选择Suzie做我的移民顾问。在整个移民过程中,在每个环节和节点,Suzie和她的团队都对我事前提醒,指导我准备材料。帮我汇总、整理、检查并上传要求的文件,多次代表我向省、联邦移民局去信询问情况和催办进度。在我经营生意期间,Suzie多次来我的旅店或者电话联系,提醒我在经营好生意的同时,在移民方面要注意的细节,指导我在经营材料方面的收集。在Suzie和安可团队的协作下,我和家人顺利取得枫叶卡,我们感觉非常欣慰和幸福!

Immigration is an important decision for every individual and family involved. Throughout the entire immigration process, various unknown issues need to be faced and resolved. The guidance and assistance of a professional advisory team play a crucial role in determining the success of immigration.
When I started the immigration process, I was introduced to Suzie through a friend’s referral. During our several communications, she warmly received me, provided professional responses, and proposed reasonable suggestions based on my situation. I decided to choose Suzie as my immigration consultant. Throughout the immigration process, at every stage and point, Suzie and her team reminded me in advance, guided me in preparing materials, helped me compile, organize, check, and upload required documents, and sent inquiries and reminders to the provincial and federal immigration offices on my behalf. While I was running my business, Suzie came to my motel or contacted me by phone multiple times, reminding me to pay attention to details in immigration while managing my business, and guiding me in collecting materials related to my business. With the collaboration of Suzie and her Anchor team, my family and I successfully obtained the PR Card, and we feel very relieved and happy!
Anchor Immigration is a company that values integrity, provides professional and efficient services, and offers warm customer service. I hope more friends can get to know and pay attention to Anchor Immigration. With their assistance, may you achieve successful immigration soon!

Mr. Liu 刘先生

作为一家在加拿大的本地移民公司,安可公司的业务非常专业,操作流程也非常顺畅。与大多数移民公司最大的不同之处在于,安可移民公司会向客户坦诚地反映申请过程中遇到的实际问题和信息,这些信息与申请人需要了解的内容以及IRCC(加拿大移民、难民和公民部)的要求保持一致。而国内的大多数公司往往会利用信息不对称的优势,只向客户传达他们希望传达的信息,这可能会给申请人带来巨大的时间和经济成本的损失。 As a local immigration company in Canada, Anchor Services is very professional, and its operation process...
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As a local immigration company in Canada, Anchor Services is very professional, and its operation process is also very smooth. The biggest difference from most immigration companies is that Anchor Services honestly reflects the actual problems and information encountered in the application process to its clients. This information is consistent with what the applicants need to know and the requirements of IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada). In contrast, many other immigration companies often take advantage of the discrepancy of the information, only disclosing what they wish to tell, which may cause significant time and financial losses to the applicants.


拿到移民签证的时候,我首先感谢安可移民公司,感谢安可在我家办理移民过程中,提供了专业、优质、敬业的服务。在近一年的移民办理过程中,安可公司在我们准备各种所需文件和资料中,都提出了有经验的建议和指导,还通过视频会议,就移民过程中可能遇到的问题或者情况,给予我们解答和指正。另外,在材料准备上,也让我们少走了很多弯路。在实时的移民办理过程中,都能得到安可公司对我们提出问题的及时答复。对你们的辛勤工作和敬业精神表示敬意。最后,我想对安可公司表达我最深的感谢,衷心希望你们能继续保持这种优秀的服务态度,帮助更多的人实现他们的梦想。 When we received the immigration visa...
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When we received the immigration visa, my first thanks go to Anchor Services. I am grateful for the professional, high-quality, and dedicated services provided by them during my family’s immigration process. Throughout the nearly year-long process, Anchor Services offered experienced suggestions and guidance in preparing various required documents and materials. They also held video conferences to address and correct any issues or situations that might arise during the immigration process. Additionally, their assistance in preparing materials saved us from many detours. During the real-time immigration process, Anchor Services responded to our inquiries promptly. I respect their hard work and professionalism. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Anchor Services and sincerely hope that they continue to maintain the excellent service attitude, helping more people realize their dreams.


Suzie always answered any questions during my spousal sponsorship immigration process. Both my husband Steven and I agree that Suzie is very dedicated, responsible, and patient. I think if we have other needs, we will still choose Suzie and her company to serve us.


Suzie always answered any questions during my spousal sponsorship immigration process. Both my husband Steven and I agree that Suzie is very dedicated, responsible, and patient. I think if we have other needs, we will still choose Suzie and her company to serve us.


几年前来萨屯考察的时候,偶然听到老移民谈及安可移民中介公司的靠谱与专业,于是就主动找到安可。接触伊始,Suzie带领下的安可公司真诚的态度、细心的作风、严谨的工作方式令人印象深刻。在悠悠的移民路程中,当申请人面临官方政策的调整、生意市场的变幻、申请人的自身条件变动等种种情况,不可避免的会遇到一些波折。安克公司始终耐心稳定地陪伴着我们,设身处地的出谋划策,不离不弃,在关键的几个节点上都给出了有价值的建议,并且千方百计的积极推动局势向良性发展,让我们感到很幸运很感恩。 成功的移民案例离不开双方的坦诚相见,中介的专业素养,申请人的积极配合。无论事前无巨细的准备,事中的耐心等待,还是开展生意后的脚踏实...
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Mr. Li 李先生




A few years ago, when I visited Saskatoon, I happened to hear some old immigrants talking about the reliability and professionalism of Anchor Immigration Company, so I approached them first. During the initial contact, Anchor Company, led by Suzie, impressed me with their sincerity, carefulness, and meticulous working style. Throughout the long journey of immigration, applicants will inevitably face various setbacks, such as adjustments of policies, changes in the business market and the applicants’ own conditions. Anchor Immigration has always accompanied us with patience and stability, empathetically strategizing on our behalf, never abandoning us. They provided valuable advice at several key points and actively worked in various ways to positively influence the situation, making us feel very fortunate and grateful.

Successful immigration applications rely on the honest interaction between both parties: the professional competence of the immigration company, and the active cooperation of the applicants. Whether the meticulous preparation before the process, the patient waiting during it, or the practical hardworking approach in conducting business afterwards, all these are essential elements for a successful immigration application.

The path to immigrate is inevitably not a simple and smooth sailing, therefore, it is even more important to choose a reliable, steadfast, and faithful company, and Anchor represents such a trustworthy team.

Mr. Li 李先生

2022年7月21日,我们全家期盼已久的加拿大永居电子登陆纸终于收到了。回想起2017年7月第一次登陆Saskatoon商务考察,距今已经整整五年!经过了五年的努力与煎熬,终于拿到手了!心里真是五味杂陈,难以言表。 2018年11月刚工签登陆时心情很茫然,不知所措,不知道将来的路会是什么样子?不知道买的生意是否可以在这里养家糊口?这是在国内从来没有考虑过的,倍感压力重重。虽然,作为投资移民,在国内有一些积蓄,但是,坐吃山空的道理,活了半辈子还是懂的。既然走上这条路,就没有回头了,硬着头皮也要走下去。2019年4月份,我们挑挑拣拣,终于在小镇买了个杂货店,算是有了落脚之地。 虽然自己有一定的英语...
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Mrs. Hu 胡女士









我们偶尔听到有新移民拿到了PR,心里就急的像长草了一样,天天如坐针毡,总想看看自己的账户有没有消息。有时实在忍不住了,就给Suzie 打电话询问一下。她每次都耐心的开导:现在是特殊时期,咱们等等,卡会来的。话虽这么说,但是心里总放不下。当自己账户的进度条都已经过了100%时,心里更是火烧火燎。刺激最大的是比我递交晚的新移民朋友,都拿到了PR。我这递交早的却一点没有消息。

这样熬到了2022年的5月份,急得我真不知道该咋办?看到视频,有人通过移民律师申请强制令(Mandamus ), 有成功案例。我就在网上找了一家多伦多的移民律师,咨询下来是,考虑到你是经济移民比较特殊,如果走强制令,需要走三步。咨询后,我就给Suzie打了一个电话,想征求一下她的建议。Suzie马上直接指出:你的案子是在审理,移民局并没有拒你,打官司的话没有胜算,5000刀律师费打水漂。经过反复斟酌,最终我们没有走强制令。现在看来Suzie完全是正确的。






On July 21, 2022, the long-awaited E-CoPR was finally received. It has been five years since the first visit to Saskatoon in July 2017, it has been five years! After five years of hard work and suffering, I finally got it! My heart is really full of emotions, which is hard to express.

In November 2018, I was at a loss when I first signed in. I didn’t know what the future would look like? I wonder if the business I bought can support my family here?

This has never been considered in China, and I feel extremely stressed. Although, as an entrepreneur who have some savings in China, I understand the principle of “fritter away a fortune” after half my life.

Since we have embarked on this road, there is no turning back, and we have to go on with it. In April 2019, we picked and chose and finally bought a grocery store in the town, which was a place to settle down.

Although I am at an intermediate English level, it is my first time to run a grocery store. First of all, I am not familiar with the consumption habits of the local people. Secondly, I could understand the English name of the goods but do not know what it is. I often place wrong orders. After half a year’s struggle, the business finally stabilized. In February 2020, I received the provincial nomination letter from the SINP.

At this time, we were facing the most critical application for PR. After careful consideration, I finally chose Anchor as my immigration representative.

The first time I met Suzie was a Business trip in Saskatoon, and she gave me the impression that she was a quiet, responsible and fair person. For instance, there were a couple with us and we were at the back row of Suzie’s SUV. It was smaller than that in the front. My wife and I always sit in the back. When we returned, Suzie asked them to change the seats with us to the front. We did not ask her to do that, and this made me feel she was a fair, careful and considerate person.

I have always been anxious during the years of waiting for PR, always thinking about doing what I should do to save time for the immigration officers to assess as soon as possible.

After signing the contract with Anchor, some immigrant friends reminded me that I should pay step by step, otherwise they will not be so active. It was quite the opposite in my case. It is understandable a new immigrant has such worry, because there are so many uncertainties, and each immigration firm does things differently.

With the detailed help of Suzie and her team, we finally submitted it at the end of April 2020.I admit that the documents were large amount. Then the pandemic came, and the federal government began to work at home. Obviously, the entire process started to slow down.

We occasionally heard that some new immigrants had obtained PR which made us feel anxious as if we were sitting on pins and needles. We always want to check if there is any news in our account. Sometimes I couldn’t bear it and called Suzie to ask. She replied to me patiently every time: It is a special period of time now. We only have to wait and the result will come out eventually. That being said, I was still worry, especially so when the progress bar in my account has passed 100%. What made me worried most was is that my new immigrant friends who submitted the application later than me all got PR.

When it was May, 2022, i was too anxious to know what to do. I saw a video on YouTube that someone applied for a mandamus through an immigration lawyer, and it was successful. Then I found an immigration lawyer in Toronto, and he told me: as an entrepreneur applicant, if you apply for a mandamus you need to take three steps. After that I called Suzie and asked for her advice. She immediately told me directly: your case is being processed, and the Immigration Bureau has not refused you. If you go to court, you have no chance of winning, and the lawyer’s fee of $5000 will be wasted. After a second thought, we finally did not apply for a mandamus. Now it turns out that she was completely right.

Suzie saw my anxiety and suggested that I consult the local MP. I didn’t know where to find them. She helped me find one in a neighboring town. I called the MP with a try. Actually, she was very enthusiastic. After a month, the news finally came. She Let me have the updated status of my case (which cannot be seen in the GCKEY account). Before that, I also called the Service Centre. After a long Waiting, no one answered. When eventually someone answered, I was told that my case was under processing and no other information was available. I broke down—I tried everything I can think of but still can do nothing except for waiting.

Finally, the first request was received on May 31, 2022. At that time, I was very excited for this progress! However, the long list of requested documents made me feel headache. Had to provide 10 items, as if I were applying for the work permit again. It’s another big headache! I was worried about there’s no news, and I was even worried when the news was too breaking! Am good at English, I was sure that it couldn’t help me at all when reading the letter of request. I can understand the information, but I really do not understand what document is requested?

With Suzie’s overtime work, I finally submitted the first request in mid-June. Unexpectedly, on June 21, a second request came again. This time, there was not much requested, and some were already submitted last time. But only one week was given. Without any delay, Suzie submitted the required documents for me on June 26. On July 18, I received the approval letter. I sent Suzie a tip for appreciation, but she refused.

Additionally, I remember that our work permit will expire at the end of August 2022. In February, I asked Suzie to renew it. She said that it was not urgent, your PR should be soon finalized, you only have to wait. It was her prediction that saved me the cost of renewing the work permit.

Here, I really want to say how important it is for us to find a professional representative for a successful application. You need to let the professionals do the job.

Mrs. Hu 胡女士

2021年10月27日,这天是我儿子的生日,同时也收到了加拿大永久居住(PR)的确认信,这是一个收获惊喜,幸运,且值得庆祝的日子!移民本身是一条漫长且充满不确定的道路,最重要的是拥有一个美好的起始,那就是选择个专业、靠谱、负责的移民顾问(安可国际移民公司)。 分享一下我个人登陆至拿到PR的时间总计是26个月;2019年7月,登陆以及购买生意 ,我在离萨斯卡通100公里的一个人口约为6000人的一个小城市经营着一家Pizza店,与此同时生意一直呈现盈利的状态;2021年10月,收到永居移民确认纸。 以上的每个阶段,从登陆安家、购买生意、创业、雇佣员工、经营且递交申请,安可 公司创始人Suzie以...
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Mr. Ke 柯先生


Mr. Ke 柯先生

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