雇主服务Employer Services

  • 萨省雇主资格证及JAL申请

    SINP certificate and JAL Application

  • 劳动力市场影响评估工作许可申请

    Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) Applications



A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document issued by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) assessing the impact of hiring a foreign national in Canada. A positive LMIA indicates that there is no Canadian citizen or permanent resident to fill a position, therefore enabling an employer to hire a foreign national. A negative LMIA indicates that a position should be filled by a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

A foreign national cannot apply for an LMIA. Rather, LMIAs are documents which must be applied for by a Canadian employer. While sometimes it is possible to hire a foreign worker who is exempt from needing an LMIA, or who is exempt from requiring a work permit, all streams of Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) require that an employer obtain an LMIA in order to hire outside of Canada.

How Canada Makes LMIA Application Decisions


  • 聘用外籍劳工将对加拿大劳动力市场产生的影响。
  • 外籍劳工的薪资与工作条件。
  • 是否有加拿大公民或永久居民可以从事相关工作。
  • 是否可以将聘用的外籍劳工掌握的知识技能进行有效转移。
  • 聘用外籍劳工是否有助于为加拿大公民和永久居民创造就业机会。

The decision on whether or not to issue a positive LMIA is made by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and then issued to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). IRCC then informs the employer of the final LMIA decision. In making an LMIA decision, ESDC considers several factors including:

  • The impact of hiring the foreign worker will have on the Canadian labour market.
  • The wages and working conditions being offered to the foreign worker.
  • The availability of Canadian citizens or permanent residents to do the job in question.
  • Whether a transfer of useful knowledge and skills would result from hiring the foreign worker.
  • Whether hiring the foreign worker will help create jobs for Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
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