永居入籍 Permanent Resident and Citizenship

续枫叶卡 Renew PR

入籍加拿大 Citizenship

Difference between Permanent Resident and Citizen

  1. 永久居民需要满足居住义务,长期不居住在加拿大,永久居民身份可能消失,加拿大公民没有这个要求;
  2. 永久居民可能会因为严重犯罪、对移民局虚假陈述等原因被剥夺永久居民身份,公民只有可能因为之前申请移民或入籍时虚假陈述被剥夺公民身份,剥夺程序也远比永久居民要复杂;
  3. 永久居民不能申请加拿大护照,加拿大护照作为签证指数最高的国家之一,对全球170多个国家免签;
  4. 永久居民没有选举权,也不能担任某些特定的政府职位。

After immigrating to Canada, the applicant becomes a permanent resident of Canada. A permanent resident is not a Canadian citizen and does not have Canadian citizenship.
Both Canadian citizens and permanent residents have the right to enter Canada, as well as the right to study, work and earn a living in any province or territory in Canada. In most areas (such as education, medical care, taxation, work, etc.), there is no difference between permanent residents and citizens.
The difference between a permanent resident and a citizen is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

  1.  Permanent residents need to meet the residency obligations. If they do not live in Canada for a long time, their permanent resident status may disappear. Canadian citizens do not have this requirement;
  2. Permanent residents may be deprived of their permanent resident status due to serious crimes, false statements to the Immigration Bureau, etc. Citizens may only be deprived of citizenship due to false statements when applying for immigration or naturalization. The deprivation procedure is far more complicated than that of permanent residents;
  3.  Permanent residents cannot apply for Canadian passports. As one of the countries with the highest visa index, Canadian passports are visa-free for more than 170 countries around the world;
  4. Permanent residents do not have the right to vote, nor can they hold certain government positions.
续枫叶卡服务 Renew


  • 满足居住义务,通常而言,5 年内居住满 2 年;
  • 申请人目前在加拿大境内;
  • 没有被签发递解令;
  • 非加拿大公民或印第安人;

政府费用:50加币/人,如果过去 5 年的旅行记录超过 25 条,会有额外的费用;请联系我们的顾问根据实际情况收费


Qualifications for PR card application

Applicants who meet the following conditions at the same time can apply for a PR card:

  • Satisfy the residency obligation, usually 2 years out of 5 years;
  • The applicant is currently in Canada;
  • No deportation order has been issued;
  • Not a Canadian citizen or Indian;

Government fees: CAD 50/person, if there are more than 25 travel records in the past 5 years, there will be additional fees; please contact our consultants to charge according to the actual situation

入籍加拿大公民 Canadian Citizenship service
18 岁以上永久居民在满足所有义务后,可以申请入籍:



  • 申请人没有被签发驱逐令;
  • 在递交入籍申请的前 5 年,在加拿大居住累积不少于 1095 天;
  • 在递交入籍申请的前 5 年,至少有 3 个财年依法申报税务。报税不代表需要有收入,入籍对申请人的收入状况没有要求;
  • 若申请人年满 18-54 周岁,需要具备一定的英语或法语基础。能够通过以英、法语作为考试语言的入籍考试,以证明对加拿大公民的义务与权利有足够的了解;

在递交入籍申请的前 5 年,申请人成为加拿大永久居民前在加拿大合法居住的每 1 天都可被折算成 0.5 天进行累积。最多可折算成 1 年。




18 岁以下永久居民可以直接申请成为加拿大公民,无需履行居住义务。只需要:

  • 父母或法定监护人之一可以协助子女递交入籍申请;
  • 父母或法定监护人之一时加拿大公民,或即将于申请人一同入籍成为加拿大公民;




Permanent residents over the age of 18 can apply for naturalization after meeting all the obligations:


These permanent resident obligations include:

  • The applicant has not been issued a deportation order;
  • have lived in Canada for no less than 1095 days in the 5 years before submitting the naturalization application;
  • In the first 5 years before submitting the naturalization application, at least 3 fiscal years have been declared tax according to law. Tax declaration does not mean that income is required, and naturalization has no requirements on the applicant’s income status;
  • If the applicant is over 18-54 years old, he needs to have a certain foundation in English or French. Be able to pass the naturalization test in English and French to demonstrate a sufficient understanding of the obligations and rights of Canadian citizenship;
  • In the first 5 years after submitting the naturalization application, every 1 day that the applicant legally lived in Canada before becoming a Canadian permanent resident can be converted into 0.5 days for accumulation. Can be converted to a maximum of 1 year.
Conditions for naturalization of permanent residents under the age of 18


  • Permanent residents under the age of 18 can apply directly to become Canadian citizens without the obligation to live. only need to:
  • One of the parents or legal guardians can assist the child in submitting the naturalization application;
  • One of the parents or legal guardians is a Canadian citizen, or will be naturalized together with the applicant to become a Canadian citizen;


Government fees: CAD 630/adult, CAD 100 for a dependent under 18

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